Gems to find, men and mice, games to play, faces under the surface, winners, losers, learners, hard to say, penny battles to save the day.One Fine Day, Moving On, Mountains To climb, Daily Events.But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar." — Stephen King .Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer. You need to make the time and ATTEND THIS CLASS NOW.Lions to roar, faces in the crowds, good times, snakes, spiders and worms.
Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Faces Under The Surface.E.N.D. "Effort Never Dies".
Joy in the morning, peace , love and happiness to follow. Dreams in works, works in actions, steps to takers, mountains left to climb.
Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right.Sorry for the long tip on life with an earth angel, young at heart, fit and funny at times. First response to older and retired, educated, mutual man. Not sure if over the top, and last notes to share.
Rachel Cattlecaller:,Robert Thompson My girl but his dick will be in another pussy that moment. Desiree Bess Willis Decker I LOOOOOOOOVE it when you call me Bae! Mike Ice Water Woods Sad cuss some think of their self so high that when u call them my girl they think of u calling them a girl and not a woman...
Joy in the morning, peace , love and happiness to follow. Dreams in works, works in actions, steps to takers, mountains left to climb. LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE OR GIN... WHATEVER.'DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'.
Rachel Cattlecaller:,Robert Thompson My girl but his dick will be in another pussy that moment. Desiree Bess Willis Decker I LOOOOOOOOVE it when you call me Bae! Mike Ice Water Woods Sad cuss some think of their self so high that when u call them my girl they think of u calling them a girl and not a woman...
35 Molotov cocktails were thrown at Jewish homes in the village of Shiloah tonight, a pogrom in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, and no one cares. Joy in the morning, peace , love and happiness to follow. Dreams in works, works in actions, steps to takers, mountains left to climb.
Rachel Cattlecaller:,Robert Thompson My girl but his dick will be in another pussy that moment. Desiree Bess Willis Decker I LOOOOOOOOVE it when you call me Bae! Mike Ice Water Woods Sad cuss some think of their self so high that when u call them my girl they think of u calling them a girl and not a woman...
Rachel Cattlecaller:,Robert Thompson My girl but his dick will be in another pussy that moment. Desiree Bess Willis Decker I LOOOOOOOOVE it when you call me Bae! Mike Ice Water Woods Sad cuss some think of their self so high that when u call them my girl they think of u calling them a girl and not a woman...
Joy in the morning, peace , love and happiness to follow. Dreams in works, works in actions, steps to takers, mountains left to climb.
Joy in the morning, peace , love and happiness to follow. Dreams in works, works in actions, steps to takers, mountains left to climb. Rachel Cattlecaller:,Robert Thompson My girl but his dick will be in another pussy that moment. Desiree Bess Willis Decker I LOOOOOOOOVE it when you call me Bae! Mike Ice Water Woods Sad cuss some think of their self so high that when u call them my girl they think of u calling them a girl and not a woman...
Happiness is not derived from money, however we must make money to survive that's the thing. All we can do is try and make the best out of our day to day struggles. Waves To Make, Blue Oceans Of Dreams. Leaders, Lights, Lessons.Haters, Hackers, Merchant of Venice: Frogs or cows? Nuts 2 Go, Party.
Rachel Cattlecaller:,Robert Thompson My girl but his dick will be in another pussy that moment. Desiree Bess Willis Decker I LOOOOOOOOVE it when you call me Bae! Mike Ice Water Woods Sad cuss some think of their self so high that when u call them my girl they think of u calling them a girl and not a woman...
Happiness is not derived from money, however we must make money to survive that's the thing. All we can do is try and make the best out of our day to day struggles.
Lions to roar, faces in the crowds, good times, snakes, spiders and worms.Good time toads, army of frogs, groups of frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Men and mice, rites to stand, heads to count, rats in gloves, races to bucks.
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.
DEADANDGONEBONESINABOX.BLOGSPOT.COM. Why is Disney forcing annual passholders to actually SUE Disney to get the refunds they were promised? If their best customers can't trust...George Conway shared,'Well-behaved women rarely make history. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT
LMFAO!!Eyes Open YOU ARE A STAR IN THE DREAMS THAT YOU CREATE WHEN YOU SLEEP, DREAMS IN ACTIONS ARE GOALS AND PLANS IN PLACE, DREAMS AND GOALS VARY WITH THE DEADLINES. Be happy.Moments Lost In Time. Hit The Road, Jack, Do Not Return, English ? If their best customers can't trust...George Conway shared,'Well-behaved women rarely make history. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT.Lions to roar, faces in the crowds, good times, snakes, spiders and worms.
A good example has twice the value of good advice. Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns.
Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Faces Under The Surface.E.N.D. "Effort Never Dies".35 Molotov cocktails were thrown at Jewish homes in the village of Shiloah tonight, a pogrom in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, and no one cares."Jay Jarrot 'NEVER FORGET TIT trutk ruthisterrorism HAPPY SLAVES ARE FUCKING IDIOTS'. If their best customers can't trust...George Conway shared,'Well-behaved women rarely make history. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT.Lions to roar, faces in the crowds, good times, snakes, spiders and worms.
Not caring what other people think is the best choice you will ever make.'Snakes, Spiders, Toads: Dates.No Regrets,No Excuses:People I Used To Know:Once.
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